I am a soldier

I was sitting in the beautiful valley,
Pondering about the Ubiquitous serenity,
The only sound that can be heard is of blood
Blood of innocence,
Blood of humanity,
Blood of love

I can also hear childhood crying…
No I don’t want gun…
I want to row beautiful shikara,
I want to hear azaan in the mornings
I want to hear temple bells
I want to play with snow
I want to smile

I also see my friend in rays of sun spread all over the valley
This beautiful place was his home once
One day hate came and spilled his blood all over.

I want to perish this hate,
I want to bring smiles on all faces
I want to hear sounds of love and laughter..

Hence one day I took oath to protect all my people..
I never knew, in this endeavour I would be killing innocent people across the border also
I would be leaving my family all alone to take care of themselves
I was honoured posthumously for all this

But my soul is still not in peace

I have a regret that
my blood could not bring smiles in valley
My blood could not bring happiness
My blood could not bring peace

Can you all do me a favour

Don’t give me medal
Just spread love all over
Send love in valley
I will come back to protect you
But we all know that love is more powerful than gun
Love is all we need in us,for us,for all of us…

Soldier..always for country,country people…

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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